


The Shamanic Approach to Life

Shamanism holds its roots across the world in the mists of time, with records dating back tens of thousands of years. Shamanism is not a religion, but the oldest spiritual practice known to humanity, a time tested system of healing, divination, wisdom seeking and more. It is based in animism, the concept that everything is inter-related as one consciousness and each part is 'alive' with its own spirit or life force. By connecting with the all knowing, compassionate Spirits, one can access wisdom, healing, guidance and information, for self empowerment and spiritual autonomy. Shamanism has always been present in indigenous cultures and is now finding a resurgence in the West as people search for ways to regain their connection to their own spiritual sovereignty and subsequent place in the world. 

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is Spirit driven, and can be deeply transformative and profound. It is said one needs to be ready for change.

The shamanic practitioner works in partnership with the Spirits, acting as a bridge or conduit between this world (ordinary reality) and the realm of Spirit (non ordinary reality), for the purpose of bringing back healing and information relevant to the client.
'In harmony', is the natural state of the world. In shamanism, as with all energetic work, it is considered there is usually a significant underlying spiritual or energy imbalance behind every malady or issue. The practitioner attends to this, which allows a free flowing of energy for healing to take place.

There is no 'bad' energy as such, just energy in the wrong place. In a healing, the practitioner could remove displaced and placed energies from the client's energy field and /or return lost energies and personal power to the client, to restore balance, harmony and wholeness.

What Happens in a Healing

Before a healing takes place, the practitioner consults with the Spirits about the issue the client brings and receives information as to the seen and unseen energies specific to the issue and the manner of the healing.
The healing could involve one or multiple areas of work depending on what is required in the session, every session is unique to the clients needs at that moment. Some of the core shamanic techniques that could be used are: soul retrieval (the restoration of lost soul parts), power animal retrieval (the restoration of power with a spirit ally in animal form), intrusion extraction (the removal of unwanted energies and negative thought forms), the removal of blockages in the ancestral line/curse unraveling (ancestral and contemporary), compassionate depossession/overshadowing, psychopomp (assisting the deceased to move on) and object empowerment.

 Healing can also be for the land, buildings and places.

During the healing, information is given for the client's integration work, post session. This varies from healing to healing. Integration is important, to ensure the new/ returning energy furrows that are made, hold, whilst re-calibration takes place.  A commitment to integration is important for the client to effect lasting change.

           Remote/ Distant Healing


Remote or distant shamanic healing can be a deeply powerful process where healing takes place without the need for the client to be physically present in the room. As I work outside of time and space, where all things are happening simultaneously all at once, and the past and future aren't linearly mapped, profound healing can take place without the client being physically present. Often in remote work, the language brought forth from the realm of Spirit for healing and divination is metaphoric and poetic. I record this and it is then presented in a written report to the client following an initial post healing and integration conversation via telephone.

Remote Healing Session £90

In-situ Healing Session £90

(sessions approx. 2 hours)

In-situ Shamanic Healing and Sound Journey Session


(session approx. 2.5 hours)

Divination/ Seership

Divination is the art of engaging with the all-knowing compassionate helping spirits for wisdom, with a focus on problem solving or answering/exploring pertinent questions important to the client.  Rather than a direct yes/no answer, typically Spirit speaks in layers of metaphor, allowing the answers you seek to be your fruit to pick, and as the metaphors unfold, they bring greater understanding to the question. Due to the time of day I undertake this work, this service is offered remotely. The work is recorded and then presented as a written report.

Divination Session £50


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